You wish you had someone on your team who "knows" your business (revenue streams, expenses, organization structure, competitors, etc) and has the knowledge and experience to help you see the roadblocks that you don't see.
You could benefit from having a trusted advisor who can develop strategies and plans to help you overcome them. Someone who can help you ORGANIZE your plans and actually EXECUTE them. A thought partner with a broad skillset to help you evaluate new business opportunities.
You have ideas for your business, but in the midst of "doing all the things" you haven't had an opportunity to flesh them out and put them into action.
You are skilled and have been successful in your area of expertise. You feel (or know) your profit margins could or should be greater, but you're not sure exactly where to start.
You have systems, policies, and a team, yet you still feel stuck.
You need help figuring out how to maximize the return on your investment in a team (yes - it's an investment and not just an expense!)
You have a stellar record of success at being a [insert your profession here], but you're struggling with the never-ending aspects of running your business - accounting, financial statements, insurance policies, employment law, employment issues, new technology, etc.
You find yourself in a cycle of trying to fix the same problem within your business over and over again.
You've hired a team to position your business for expansion, but you need insight on best practices on getting results through others.